
中学后入学选择(PSEO)允许高中 大三和大四学生 to take courses, full-or part-time, at a post-secondary institution for high school credit. The program provides students with a greater variety of class offerings and the opportunity to pursue more challenging coursework than may be available at the high school. 学费、杂费和所需的课本对学生是免费的. The Minnesota Department of Education will only cover PSEO expenses billed by the institution(s) to which PSEO students have been admitted. pso学生将负责任何学费, fees, 以及在任何不录取他们的机构提供的用品.

PSEO也允许高中 Sophomores to take 职业及技术课程.


Any public, nonpublic, homeschool or American Indian-controlled tribal contract or grant student classified as an 11th or 12th grader and accepted by a post-secondary institution, may enroll either full- or part-time in nonsectarian courses or programs at that post-secondary institution. 参加文化交流项目的学生不符合资格.

非公立学校并没有被要求遵守公共服务交易法的所有条款. Students and families attending nonpublic schools are encouraged to discuss the school’s PSEO policy with a counselor or program advisor well in advance of participation in this program.

合格的10年级学生可以找到 here.


符合条件的机构包括明尼苏达大学及其分支机构, 所有州立大学, 社区学院, 技术学院, 明尼苏达州一所授予两年或四年文科住宿学位的私立大学, a non-profit, degree granting trade school or an accredited opportunities industrialization center in Minnesota. If all colleges are 40 or more miles away a student may request a post-secondary course be offered at the high school.


高中被要求向新生提供信息, 二年级和三年级的学生要在3月1日之前入学.

Students are requested to let the high school know before May 30 if considering participation in the program the following academic year. 然而,学生不受5月30日截止日期的约束. 如果学生有资格进入他们希望就读的高等教育机构, 他们不需要高中的许可就可以入学.

Students should work with a high school counselor or principal to ensure courses taken fulfill credit requirements for graduation. 在家上学的学生直接与他们计划就读的大学的PSEO顾问一起工作.

Students will need to complete and sign the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program Notice of Student Registration form. 家长或监护人的签名是必需的,除非学生年满18岁.


选课时, students must be careful to fulfill the subject areas required for high school graduation. The high school should allow students flexibility in choosing generally comparable courses to meet requirements. 学生可以选择他们想要的任何非宗派选修课. 学生不允许参加补习班, 不属于大学水平的发展课程或其他课程.

Students may take one or more courses up to a full-time course load as defined by the post-secondary institution.

高中决定授予多少学分. However, no more than 7 quarter credits or 4 semester credits can be required to equal one year of high school credit in each subject.

Credits received at a post-secondary institution are on the student’s record and count as courses completed at that institution. Transferring credits to another institution is dependent upon the transfer rules of that institution.

When public school students have a disagreement with their high school about course credits; they may appeal that disagreement in writing to the Commissioner of Education. Nonpublic school students should inquire of their high school counselor or program advisor about an appeals process.

Students with PSEO status are high school students taking courses at another location for part or all of the day. Their grades should be recorded by the high school for the honor roll and other special awards. 学生有责任向高中提交他们的高等教育成绩.

如果学生退出一门课程, 他们必须让大专院校和高中立即知道. PSEO students should expect to be subject to the same procedures and/or penalties as any other high school student when withdrawing from or failing a course.

Many high schools are cooperating with colleges and universities to provide college courses at the high school. 学生可以选修这些课程. Many Minnesota colleges accept credit transfers of these courses in the same manner they would accept credits from another college; some do not. Students may want to check to be sure that the college they plan to attend will apply these credits toward their chosen college degree.


A student enrolled in a district that is a member of an intermediate district that operates a secondary vocational program at a college may access post-secondary courses and receive high school and college credit for courses successfully completed through that program. 参加这些课程的学生没有pso身份.


If, 在毕业典礼上, the student has successfully completed all coursework and credit requirements for graduation, 学生必须被允许参加毕业典礼并获得签名的毕业证书. If the student is still in progress at the post-secondary institution toward completion of the graduation requirements, the student must be allowed to participate in the ceremony and receive an unsigned diploma. The signed diploma will be awarded after the college grades are received by the high school.


High schools may not prohibit students from participating in school sponsored activities based on PSEO status.


Students or their parents are responsible for transportation to the post-secondary institution. 学生可以付费乘坐预定的校车. 如果学生的家庭符合条件, 他们的父母或监护人可以申请报销交通费. Public school students can obtain the reimbursement forms from their high school counselor or principal. Nonpublic and home schooled students can obtain their reimbursement form from the post-secondary institution.


学生们应该尽早开始计划. 参与的决定是一个重要的决定. 学生将被期望成为一个负责任的、自主的、独立的学习者. Students should seek out additional information and counseling at the high school and at the post-secondary institution to ensure that they are making the best choice for themselves and their educational future.


易胜博psop的明尼苏达州法规:我们/统计/ 124 d / 09 /

